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Want to create an app for millennials? Here’s some interesting stats about them

Millennials (people that are between 18 and 34 years old) are the most engaged and loud app users everywhere in the world. These people are digital natives to whom smartphone usage is a second nature.

The following data comes from the 2017 comScore report based on a US survey but a big part of their findings are relevant for companies worldwide.

The top 3 apps that they can’t live without are Amazon, Gmail and Facebook. This contradicts the social media addict narrative, as neither Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat occupy the first place in their top.

Millennials are prone to app addiction and usually allow push notifications, although they also get annoyed when they get too many notifications. This is because of FOMO (fear of missing out). They want to know what happens, when it happens, but they are also irritated by the toll that this takes on them.

Another highlight of the report is that they really care how the apps logos looks like. 21% of millennials deleted apps because they didn’t like how it looked on their home screen, compared to 2% (35-54) and 3% (55+). This means that you should really make sure that the logo is in line with the millennial aesthetic. If you can, make proper research, if not, test it with the millennials you have around but ask for honesty because the app’s success may depend on it.


1) As long as an app adds real value to the millennial’s life, it has a chance to get to the indispensable app list, even if it’s not linked to social media.

2) Carefully pick what you notify millennials about. Most of them accept notifications by default but eventually they will turn them off if they are too many and annoy them.

3) The logo matters greatly. Find a designer that knows what he does or, more simple: work with us. All members of the NXTHUB team are millennials, so you instantly have a veto committee that will ensure your logo is millennial-compatible.